ABR is: Parent Driven Development


Today’s world is a world of “specialists”. But there is at least one jewel of knowledge that even the poorest and the richest parents of special needs children share!  The richest parents know it because they have traveled the globe searching for the best doctors that modern medicine can supply –  and they have found out what the poorest parents know by default:  That in the end, the parent is responsible for a handicapped child.  The destiny of this child lies exhaustively in the hands of the parent in a more intense manner than that of any healthy child ever does.


What is it that definitely does not help a handicapped child to improve:

  •  parent uncertainty
  • parent exhaustion
  • parent remorse
  • parent pressure (on the child)


What ABR can do for all parents of children with cerebral palsy, brain injury, genetic illness and other disorders is to give a deep sense of reassurance that lies in the knowledge of the developmental potential of each person no matter how severe the illness.

Every child can improve.

When you the parent become the driver of your child’s rehabilitation, your focus changes from “cure” to “development”.   Improvements matter, each increment of change matters.  You realize all this because it is happening under your own hands.  You observe how small increments of change accumulate and one day begin to bring huge transformations!  A “cure” does not happen from one day to another, but is a process that can occur over time.  You start to see that the unique thing about human beings is that they develop – they can transform and that development is the most essential aspect of childhood – and even of adult life.

It is a great tool – ABR Method – for child developmental promotion.  Having this tool in your own hands as a parent,  brings an immense satisfaction that ABR parents learn to cherish.

Diane Vincentz

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